Year: 2014
Client: Good Family Farm
Area: Interactive, Web Design
In the past, GoodFamilyFarm, a NGO in Hong Kong, only use the Facebook page to communicate to the stakeholders, since the functions and purposes of Facebook are different to a website. Therefore, we helped them to developed a website, let them to communicate to the stakeholders. Also, they can share their feelings after joining the workshops and buy GFF’s products from this website.
Process and Final Outcome
We had a site visit to a school that GFF organized a school farming scheme there, and found that the scheme enhance more student to plant for food, which is really meaningful. About the web design, since we don’t have enough coding skills; therefore, we planned to make two phrase of the web, #1 is the full web design without coding, #2 is functionable website but only adopted some design on #1.
Since it is a group project, there are five people in this group and we distribute the workload equally, for me, which is about 20%. I mostly worked on #2, which is according to the design of #1 and make a function-able website.
Prototype2 (Instrument Mode): http://share.framerjs.com/fbdm4euevytu/
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